Tel: 07856 203 980
COVID19 Clinic Regulations
EH Physio clinic is currently open. Working as a physiotherapist I will be following these guidelines to ensure your safety as well as my own.
The protocols we need to follow include:
1) I will be wearing appropriate PPE throughout your appointment.
2) The plinth will be cleaned with an antibacterial agent after every client.
3) I will be monitoring my own health and perform daily temperature checks.
4) I will follow good hand hygiene before and after each treatment.
If you are attending an appointment then I please ask that you can confirm you are observing the following precautions:
1) Thorough cleaning of your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub before and after your treatment, this will be provided at your appointment.
2) Make sure you follow good respiratory hygiene, e.g covering your mouth/nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.
3) If you have a cough, high temperature and difficulty breathing then please do not come into the clinic, stay at home and self isolate as per Government advice.
4) If you suspect you have been exposed to anyone demonstrating the COVID19 symptoms then please follow Government advice on self isolation and we will re-book outside of the 14 day isolation period.
Until the COVID19 situation has completely resolved I will be operating a reduced hours clinic, this will allow for safety measures to be implicated between each client. If you would like to book an appointment then please email me on info@ehphysio.com or call 07856 203 980.